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By: G. Ayitos, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Co-Director, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

One important part of an anxiety problem is fear of the anxiety itself; because anxiety feels so bad and makes it hard to medicine that makes you throw up order line topiramate accomplish our aims treatment zit topiramate 200 mg without a prescription, we worry about having it medicine sans frontiers topiramate 200 mg fast delivery. We also may start wondering if the anxiety could harm us in some way; these thoughts about the anxiety can make the anxiety even worse. Problem solving, acceptance skills, setting achievable goals, and managing time effectively are other important factors that can reduce anxiety. As a document compiled by a federal employee, this paper is exempt from copyright protection and may be reproduced without permis sion. Introduction Disaster planning is only as good as the assumptions on which it is based. Unfor tunately, this planning is often based on a set of conventional beliefs that has been shown to be inaccurate or untrue when subjected to empirical assessment. The purpose of this paper is to identify a few of the more common mis conceptions about disasters and show how they can lead to ineffective responses. Because most field disaster research studies have been carried out in the United States, the discussion will focus on lessons learned from domestic disasters, although some nondomestic examples will be included. Although evidence sug gests that some of these findings may apply to disasters worldwide, one must be cautious in extrapolating the data because of the social, cultural, economic, and political differences in other countries. Because of the frequency, vividness, and potential significance of disasters, a number of widespread stereotypes have developed about behavior in disaster. Such an image is frequently documented by isolated anecdotes used to prove the universality of such behavior. This image suggests that individuals panic and that individuals lose their concern for others. Also, as the result of the disaster expe rience, it is suggested that people become hostile and take aggressive action toward others. Another facet of the image suggests that victims develop a "disaster syndrome," a docile, childlike condition, and as a result must be "cared for" by some protective organization, acting in a parental way. People, hysterical and helpless, gradually shed the thin veneer of civilization and exploit others. It is said that looting is common and outside authority is perhaps necessary in order to inhibit these resurgent primitive urges. It is assumed that many will flee from the disaster area in mass panic, leaving the community stripped of its human and natural resources. In contrast, researchers have found-at least in the immediate aftermath of disasters-that community resilience and unity, strengthening of social ties, selfhelp, heightened initiative, altruism, and prosocial behavior more often prevail. In short, when things are at their worst, disaster-stricken communities tend to rise to the occasion. One possible exception is that community unity may be decreased in chronic technological disasters involving hazardous substances. For example, people can panic, and one should not expect that crime will completely disappear in high-crime inner-city areas when there is 342 the First 72 Hours a disaster. The point is that antisocial behaviors are uncommon in typical disaster situations. The word is often very loosely and incorrectly used to describe virtually any type of fear, flight, or uncoordinated activity. A fire department official involved in the emergency response reported, "Abso lute unrestrained panic was rampant in the building during the first hour to hour and a half of the incident. The building had so many access points that it was very difficult to keep anyone from entering [italics added]. When escape is impossible (as in a sunken submarine or a collapsed coal mine), peo ple do not tend to panic. Common Misconceptions about Disasters: Panic, the "Disaster Syndrome," and Looting 343 Rarity of Panic Because this combination of conditions is so uncommon in disasters, panic is also quite rare. Wood (27) used interviews and questionnaires to gather information from more than 2,000 persons involved in 952 building fires. Of these fires, slightly more than 50% occurred in houses, 17% in factories, 11% in multioccu pancy residences, 7% in shops, and 4% in institutions such as schools and hospi tals. He found that there were three general types of reactions to these fires: (1) concern with evacuation of oneself or others, (2) concern with containing or fighting the fire, and (3) concern with warning others and notifying the fire department.

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Two years later Hans Christian Gram symptoms 8 days past ovulation cheap 200mg topiramate free shipping, a Danish pathologist symptoms zika virus order topiramate 200mg overnight delivery, developed the Gram stain medications you can take while breastfeeding buy topiramate paypal. The Gram stain is still widely used in the differentiation of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In 1860, Pasteur was the first to use a culture medium for growing bacteria in the laboratory. In 1839, ringworm was the first human disease found to be caused by fungi, followed closely by the recognition of Candida albicans as the cause of thrush. It was not until 1910 that Sabouraud introduced a medium that would support the growth of pathogenic fungi. The interest of scientists in studying fungi was often related to crop protection. During the period 1857-1878, both Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister published significant papers on their extensive studies on fermentation. With the invention of the Petri dish, the focus turned to culture media formulations. With all the research being performed, scientists began to replace gelatin with agar because it was resistant to microbial digestion and liquefaction. The study of immunity began after the discovery of the tubercle bacillus by Robert Koch. With this acclaimed discovery, the involvement of bacteria as agents of disease became evident. The first rational attempts to produce artificial active immunity were by Pasteur in 1880 during his work with cholera. Antibiotics had a dramatic beginning with the famous discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928. Fleming observed that a mold had contaminated a culture of staphylococci and produced a substance inhibiting growth of the bacteria. It was not until the late 1930s that scientists could purify penicillin and demonstrate its antibacterial effects. Commercial production of penicillin began as a combined wartime project between the United States and England. Around 1930, certain growth factors, including factors X and V, were shown to be important in bacterial nutrition. This detailed information lead scientists to develop an understanding of biochemical pathways. Molecular biology, biotechnology and the study of genetics were fields of extraordinary growth. By 1941, the study of microbiology and genetics came together when Neurospora crassa, a red bread mold, was used to study microbial physiology. The study of bacterial genetics moved dramatically forward during the 1940s following the discovery of antibiotic resistance. In 1953, viruses were defined by Luria as "submicroscopic entities, capable of being introduced into specific living cells and of reproducing inside such cells only. Enders demonstrated that a virus could be grown in chick embryos and would lose its ability to cause disease after successive generations. One organism that has made a great contribution to molecular biology is Escherichia coli. The researchers found that the foreign gene not only survived, but copied the genetic material. This study and other similar studies started a biotechnology revolution that has gained momentum over the years. Manual procedures could be replaced by fully automated instruments for bacterial identification, susceptibility testing and blood culture procedures. Immunoassays and probe technologies broadened the capabilities of the microbiologist. The use of chromogenic substrates in culture media was shown to enhance microbial identification capabilities directly from the culture medium. With rapid advances in technologies and instrumentation, the basic culture media and ingredients listed in this Manual remain some of the most reliable and cost effective tools in microbiology today.

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